Django vs Flask - Which Python Web Development Framework is Better for Startups?

January 20, 2022


When it comes to building web applications with Python, two of the most popular frameworks that developers turn to are Django and Flask. Both frameworks are known for their simplicity, flexibility, and scalability, making them ideal for startups.

But which one is better?

In this blog post, we'll take an unbiased look at Django vs Flask and compare them based on various factors to help you make an informed decision.


Looking at the popularity of each framework, Django has a larger community and is more widely used compared to Flask. According to the 2021 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, Django is the third most loved web framework, with 34.7% of developers using it. Flask comes in at fourth place, with 32.4% of developers using it.

Popularity isn't everything, but having a larger community means more support, documentation, and third-party packages, making development easier.

Winner: Django

Learning Curve

Python is known for its ease of use and readability, but what about Django and Flask?

Django has a steeper learning curve compared to Flask, as it comes with numerous built-in tools and functionalities. On the other hand, Flask is a micro-framework with fewer components, making it easier for beginners to learn and use.

That said, once you get past the learning curve for Django, it is generally seen as more efficient for larger projects with more comprehensive functionalities.

Winner: Flask


In terms of performance, both frameworks are quite efficient. Flask is known to be lightweight and faster because of its simpler structure. Django is more comprehensive and comes with more pre-built features, making it slightly slower than Flask.

However, the performance difference between the two frameworks is often negligible and, in most cases, won't make much of a difference.

Winner: Tie


When it comes to flexibility, Flask is much more flexible than Django. Flask is a micro-framework that allows developers to choose which plugins and extensions to include. As such, developers can build the application they want without unnecessary features and significant overhead.

Django comes with a lot of built-in functionalities, which can make it challenging to update and maintain the application. However, its deep integration means that it's easy to add new features.

Winner: Flask


Both frameworks are known to be scalable, but when it comes to scalability, Django wins. Django's built-in ORM and admin panel, caching features, and automatic migrations make it much easier to scale a project.

Flask, being a micro-framework, requires developers to write more code to scale the application. While it's possible to scale, it requires more effort than Django.

Winner: Django


When it comes down to Django vs Flask, both frameworks are great for web development. While Django is more comprehensive and better suited for larger projects, Flask's simplicity and flexibility make it an excellent choice for smaller projects.

Ultimately, the framework you choose will depend on your specific needs, preferences, and the resources available to you.


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